Information about Population of Pakistan and its Provinces

In this page you will find the information about the population of Pakistan. Total Population of Pakistan is 241499431 according to 2023 digital census. It didn't include the population of autonomous regions of Azad Jammu Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan. Pakistan is 5th biggest country of world by Population. Total Population of Pakistan including four provinces Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Sindh and Balochistan and Islamabad Capital Territory. Punjab is the biggest province of Pakistan by Population and Balochistan is smallest province by Population. The latest census was conducted by the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics in 2023. According to 2023 digital census total house hold in Pakistan are 38340566. Population of males is 124324406, females is 117154694 and Transgender is 20331.

Provinces of Pakistan Population Detail

Pakistan Estimated on 21-08-2024 251825300
Pakistan 2023 Census 241499431
Punjab 127688922
Sindh 55696147
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 40856097
Balochistan 14894402
Islamabad 2363863
Azad Kashmir 4045366
Gilgit Baltistan 1249000

Information About Provinces Wise Population

Complete information of Population of all provinces and  territories of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Population of Pakistan was 207684626 in 2017 census. The Population of Balochistan province is 14894402, the Population of Punjab province is 127688922, the Population of Sindh province is 55696147, the Population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province is 40856097 after merger of FATA into KPK , the Population of Azad Jammu and Kashmir is 4045366, the Population of Gilgit Baltistan is 1249000 and the Population of Islamabad capital city is 2363863. The Population of former Federally administrated tribal area FATA is part of K.P.K province.

Area wise Population

Complete District & Province wise Population Detail

Complete District & Province wise Population Detail Census 2017